How Many Golf Balls Can Fit in a School Bus

Arne Olav Hallingstad
17th November 2010


I saw an article detailing some of the weird questions asked in job interviews at google. One of the questions was, paraphrashed, how many golf balls could you fit in a school bus. There's obviously no right answer.

Top marks were given for mentioning the Kepler Conjecture. There's an interesting read about the progress towards a proof of the Kepler Conjecture in the past 20 years at that link. It all seemed too interesting to not take a shot at an estimate.


There's lots of factors that affects the estimate:

To find how many golf balls we can fit in a school bus we can simplify the school bus to be a box of a certain volume, ignoring seats and the varying heights. Let's say the school bus is 3 meters wide. It should have room for a person less than 2 meters to stand up straight. The length is estimated to be about 3 car lengths, where a car might be 5 meters, so 15 meters long.

That gives a total volume of:

	3m * 2m * 15m = 90m^3

That we'll try to pack as efficiently as possible with golf balls.

Now we need to know the volume taken up by a golf ball so we can find how many we can fit in the volume of the bus. Let's say a golf ball has a diameter of 4 cm, that gives a volume of

	(4/3) * PI * r^3
	(4/3) * PI * (2cm)^3 = 1.33 * 3.14 * 8cm^3 = 1.33 * 25cm^3 = 33cm^3 = 0.000033m^3

Looking up the Keppler Conjecture the density is ~74%

	Reduce volume of bus to 75%
	90m^3 - 22.5m^3 = 67.5m^3

	Number of golf balls we can fit in:
	67.5m^3 / 0.000033m^3

Number of golf balls is estimated to 2 045 454.


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