Megatexture Technology

Written sometime in July 2006

Doom 3 Megatexture technology is more a proof of concept than anything else.

What is known:

File Format

Details on the MakeMegatexture command in Doom 3 / Quake 4.

File Header

The file header size is 12 bytes. Assuming little-endian representation.

    int32 tileSize
    int32 numBlocksX
    int32 numBlocksY

Given a power of two size of the source texture we present the value of the header of the megatexture:

Source Texture SizeHeader ValueValue of numBlocksX/Y
6480 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00(invalid)
12880 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 001
25680 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 002
51280 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 04 00 00 004
102480 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 08 00 00 008
204880 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 00 00 0016
409680 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 20 00 00 0032
819280 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 0064
1600080 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 0064
1638480 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00128
3200080 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 00128
32768Unable to load


The actual texture data actually starts at 10000h regardless of the size of the megatexture. I can think of two purposes of the data between the header and the start of the texture data:

Texture Data

The preview screenshot the MakeMegatexture command creates is named _preview.tga and is of size 2048x2048 (or same size as source texture if it is less than 2048x2048). The odd thing is that the rows have been reversed of you compare the preview image to the original source image. The reason could possibly be because of efficient reading from the megatexture. Usually a tga file is read from bottom row to top row by an image viewer. This can be very slow as you would want to read from start to finish sequentially and directly copy into the clipmap cache in system memory. When it is read sequentially you actually inverse the y-axis of the image, therefore to inverse again to let image look as the source texture the megatexture generation tool doesn't inverse the rows when reading to disk which is why the preview texture is also inversed.

Let's take a look at the megatexture texture data give different source textures.

MakeMegatexture with 128x128 Source Texture

Texture data is between 20000h and 10000h and is exactly 65536 bytes. The megatexture simply holds the original texture ( 128x128x4 = 65536 ). There is no clipmap pyramid.

MakeMegatexture with 256x256 Source Texture

Console output:

Writing 2 x 2 size 128 tiles to megaTextures/maptexture256.mega.
writing to: I:\doom3\base\megaTextures\maptexture256.mega
1 blockRowsRemaining
0 blockRowsRemaining
generating 1 x 1 block mip level
row 0

I can confirm that it creates 4 128x128 blocks and one 128x128 mipmap.

MakeMegatexture with 512x512 Source Texture

Console output:

Writing 4 x 4 size 128 tiles to megaTextures/maptexture512.mega.
writing to: I:\doom3\base\megaTextures\maptexture512.mega
3 blockRowsRemaining
2 blockRowsRemaining
1 blockRowsRemaining
0 blockRowsRemaining
generating 2 x 2 block mip level
row 0
row 1
generating 1 x 1 block mip level
row 0

Based on what we've learned this creates:

We can calculate the space this megatexture will need:

space = num blocks * 128^2 * 4 Bpp + 10000h = ( 16 + 4 + 1 ) * 128^2 * 4 Bpp + 10000h = 1 441 792 Bytes

This is the correct size.

MakeMegatexture with 32768x32768 Source Texture

256x256 blocks * 128^2 * 4 Bytes4294967296
128x128 blocks * 128^2 * 4 Bytes1073741824
64x64 blocks * 128^2 * 4 Bytes268435456
32x32 blocks * 128^2 * 4 Bytes67108864
16x16 blocks * 128^2 * 4 Bytes16777216
8x8 blocks * 128^2 * 4 Bytes4194304
4x4 blocks * 128^2 * 4 Bytes1048576
2x2 blocks * 128^2 * 4 Bytes524288
1x1 block * 128^2 * 4 Bytes262144
SUM: 5727059968 Bytes (5727 MB)

Without an alpha channel the size becomes: 4295294976 Bytes (4295 MB).

Terrain Details

What is known:

Printing out the list of loaded images for a 8192x8192 megatexture we get:

 -w-- -h-- filt -fmt-- wrap  size --name-------
 173:F  512  512 dflt RGB8  rept 1365k  MEGA_maptexture8192.mega_0
 174:F  512  512 dflt RGB8  rept 1365k  MEGA_maptexture8192.mega_1
 175:F  512  512 dflt RGB8  rept 1365k  MEGA_maptexture8192.mega_2
 176:F  512  512 dflt RGB8  rept 1365k  MEGA_maptexture8192.mega_3
 177:F  512  512 dflt RGB8  rept 1365k  MEGA_maptexture8192.mega_4


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